The P&C Association provides a Tuckshop service:
Mon - Fri 10.45 am to 11.20 am for the main lunch period
Our aim is to provide healthy nutritious and interesting foods for students and staff as well as raising funds for the P&C Association, by aiming to operate at a profit.
New tuckshop menus are provided to families via the school newsletter detailing the foods and prices.
Our tuckshop convenors are employees of the P&C and manage the tuckshop. They are assisted by parent volunteers.
NEW Tuckshop Online Ordering System
The school is moving to the Qkr! online ordering system which means you can order in advance, at the time of your choosing, by the press of a button. Qkr! is a user friendly app which will enable you to order tuckshop even at the last minute via your smart phone or tablet and pay for your order via a card payment facility.
Once you are registered on the app, you can search for our school, add your child and their class, and save your card details onto the secure platform. Then you can order tuckshop for any school day you wish so long as it reaches the tuckshop before the daily deadline of 8am to prepare the orders.
The foods after the regular sit-down eating period at first break, eg. Ice-blocks, jelly, packet foods, drinks will need to be ordered via the Qkr! System until such time as cash sales will be permitted at the tuckshop window again.
Please follow the set-up instructions in the How-to-Guide to get started.
We encourage parents to support the tuckshop by both utilising the service, and also assisting in the tuckshop as volunteers. Volunteer help enables the tuckshop to operate at a small profit. Parents who would like to volunteer to help in the tuckshop can register their availability via our volunteer roster.